![]() Kottyn (aka the Soft Spoken), born as Sheila Campbell has been writing for over 10 years. She has several books out and her latest is "Sweet Mangos." Kottyn recently competed in Sacramento’s "Love Jones Poetry Slam." She enjoys writing about love for any man and woman. Kottyn's other sensual poetry books include: "The Love Letter," "Strong in My Woman," and "He's Beautiful to Me.” She does not male bash or woman bash. Kottyn writes in hopes to bring people together, not tear them apart. She writes to take an active part in the solution of the problems that arise between men and women. “Love is a gift from God, everyone should have that.” Kottyn Campbell About "SWEET MANGOS" This book is about the beauty of loving a man and how he should love you. Sweet Mangos is very intense yet sensual. Kottyn will make you fall in love. The way she speaks of her love for a man, you will want to be in love if you’re not already. Her words will draw you into her heart, and her passion is displayed in every poem. "Sweet Mangos" is love making, sensuality, sexy, and beautiful; the man Kottyn speaks of is strong, intelligent and a gentleman. She fell in love with him at some point and her loving him made her angry which allowed her to write so beautifully about loving a man and how she desires his love. Kottyn speaks from her heart. UBAWA: When did you first decide you wanted to become an author? Kottyn: In 2009 is when I first made the decision. UBAWA: How did you decide on the idea for your 1st book? 2nd book? 3rd book, etc? Kottyn: Prior to 2009 my ex-husband always said I needed to write a book about how to be a real woman; however I was already writing poetry and people were asking when was I going to write a book so I decided to do a book of poetry and I had no idea of how to do that or what I wanted the first two books to be. I still wasn't sure and then I realized I wanted to write about love not just sex, to help people with having better relationships with one another. My fan base has been majority men who have told me that my writings helped their relationships or marriage in some way which make me feel so honored and proud. So I continue to write about love and the goodness of men oppose to mail bashing. UBAWA: How long did it take you to complete your first book? What was the process like? Kottyn: It took me about two months to complete my first book because I already had material typed up and written out. UBAWA: What’s so rewarding about writing books and being an author? Kottyn: Knowing that I made a difference in someone's life and relationship. UBAWA: Was there ever a time you felt like giving up? Kottyn: Yes...I felt like people were not paying attention to the real subject which is love. UBAWA: There’s more to being an author than writing a book. How do you manage to handle the business side of things? Kottyn: Business is my first love and handling it properly is very important to me. Communication with those I do business with is so important - paid or not, I deal with everyone the same. UBAWA: Do you have an editor or do you edit your own books? Kottyn: I don't have an editor however I plan to hire an editor for the next book. UBAWA: Who does the cover art for your book(s)? Kottyn: Hulon Thompson did Sweet Mangos. I did the designs on all my previous books because I enjoy doing it. UBAWA: Do you ever encounter writer’s block? How do you get past it? Kottyn: No I have never had that. I pray that I don't. I write from my heart and when God puts something on my heart, I write. UBAWA: How often do you write? Kottyn: minimum once a day if I'm really feeling it I write more. UBAWA: Tell us about your last book signing. Kottyn: It was great; it was in Chicago at a library. UBAWA: Beside social media, what other methods are you using to get the word out about your book(s)? Kottyn: word of mouth and by performing UBAWA: As a Woman of Color, what inspires you the most? Kottyn: God, Love and the Good I see in men inspires me the most UBAWA: Who is your biggest influence? Kottyn: Oprah, my grandmother and my aunt Nae UBAWA: Have you ever done something in the past you regret? How did you get through it? Kottyn: Yes I have. I got through it by not blaming others and moving. Keeping close to God is what really got me through. UBAWA: How do you get through the tough times in life when life throws what it throws at you? Kottyn: God always God UBAWA: What is one goal you want to accomplish for yourself in 2013? Kottyn: To sell over 3000 copies of my next books, Poetry's Rant and "Seduction’s" Lips UBAWA: What do you have planned next? Kottyn: I’m working on "Poetry's Rant," and "Seduction’s Lips” for a 2013 release and "Without Permission" for 2014. UBAWA: How can readers and others in the literary community reach you? Kottyn: I can be found on www.softspokenpoet.com Facebook;: PoetryAuthorKottynCampbell Twitter: KottynSoftSpken Reverbnation: Ms Kottyn Youtube: TheArtofPoets
2/2/2013 05:15:41 am
Beautiful, sexy, and great to talk to. Wonderful job, "Madam Kottyn." :)
2/2/2013 09:35:41 pm
Great interview! I love your drive, your passion, and you are a very inspiring woman.
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