![]() TELL THEM I DIED is a romance, but it is different from the standard romance novel in that the protagonists are all over fifty years of age, retired, and with discretionary time and funds to do whatever they want, and online friends to share every minute. And unlike other romances, much of the action takes place on the internet on social networking sites. We baby-boomers sometimes have the idea that we're grown, we know it all, and the rules that may apply to teenagers don't apply to us anymore. WRONG! The world of dating has changed a lot since we were teenagers, and even grown-a$ adults can be surprised by STDs and domestic violence. Purchase online: http://www.amazon.com/Tell-Them-Sarah-Gordon-Weathersby/dp/0615703194/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1350930718&sr=8-1&keywords=tell+them+i+died
![]() This 60 page e-book celebrates the many faces of love's spirit. 18+ authors and artists from around the world (Denmark, Switzerland, and the USA) share stories, essays, poems, book excerpts, and artwork about love (love lost, love found, self love, romantic love). All proceeds benefit National Center for Family Literacy which provides free literacy resources for parents and early childhood educators. Purchase online: http://www.amazon.com/LOVE-Potions-Lotions-Lore-ebook/dp/B00B73SGLO ![]() Christina "Weda" Thomas thought she had met the perfect vato when she met Marcos. Little did she know that her knight would take her on a dark twisted road of domestic violence and sexual abuse. We take a journey through Weda's Vida Loca, where she lives through El Día de los Muertos "The Day of The Dead" or does she? Did falling in love with Marcos lead her to Love or Death? Find out: http://www.amazon.com/Love-Or-Death-Vida-Loca/dp/0615765645/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1363109407&sr=8-1&keywords=love+or+death ![]() Shani Greene-Dowdell currently resides in Opelika, Alabama. She is the mother of three and a wife. She is the author of Keepin' It Tight, editor and contributor of award-winning anthology Mocha Chocolate, and author of Secrets of a Kept Woman. She has received several awards and acknowledgements for her work and in 2011 converted her novel, Secrets of a Kept Woman, into a stage play that has entertained thousands. In 2013, she will release the sequel to Secrets of a Kept Woman, as well as SAVOR a new erotic anthology. About “Savor”
SAVOR is a collection of passionate short stories that connect kindred souls for the dance of a lifetime. From the savory taste of sugar and cream in a hot cup of coffee to an accidental love affair, Savor will wet your palate and leave you completely satisfied. From a housewife with a big sexual appetite to a kind and gentle man who vows to love a neglected woman until she knows her worth, erotica and romance have never blended with this savory mixture. Every wish and desire of the heart is a reality as you savor the tempting tales of this anthology until the last drop. UBAWA: When did you first decide you wanted to become an author? Shani: In 2005 when I was challenged by a friend to complete my first book. UBAWA: How did you decide on the idea for your 1st book? 2nd book? 3rd book, etc? Shani: My first book stemmed from stereotypes of interracial relationships and the storyline took on a life of its own from there. My second book was an erotic anthology and the inspiration to compile the stories came when I saw an image of a woman sitting inside of a coffee cup with the words Mocha Chocolate on the outside of it. Thinking about my most intimate indulgences, I knew Mocha Chocolate would make a great title for a book and even better reading material. UBAWA: How long did it take you to complete your first book? What was the process like? Shani: It took me a little over a year. The process was full of taking notes, drafting, writing, and rewrites. UBAWA: What’s so rewarding about writing books and being an author? Shani: The accomplishment of completing a book is rewarding, but what I've learned about myself as I've written and discussed my work is the most rewarding part of being an author. UBAWA: Was there ever a time you felt like giving up? Shani: I've thought of taking a break from writing, but not giving it up completely. UBAWA: There’s more to being an author than writing a book. How do you manage to handle the business side of things? Shani: The business side is very time consuming and can kill creative energy. I spend a lot of time handling the business side of things and try to find balance by carving out time to write. UBAWA: Do you have an editor or do you edit your own books? Shani: I have an editor. UBAWA: Who does the cover art for your book(s)? Shani: Different people. Dynasty Covers Me designed the cover for my latest book (Savor). UBAWA: Do you ever encounter writer’s block? How do you get past it? Shani: I do and when I get writer's block I write about a different topic other than the one that has me stuck. UBAWA: How often do you write? Shani: At least once a week. UBAWA: Tell us about your last book signing. Shani: It was at Uptown restaurant in Auburn, AL on their beautiful patio, which set the mood perfectly for Savor. I read from my story "Love My Pain Away, along with Tralice Ware who read from her story, Mr. and Mrs. Myers (also a part of the anthology). It really was a special evening. UBAWA: Beside social media, what other methods are you using to get the word out about your book(s)? Shani: Word of mouth and flyers. UBAWA: As a Woman of Color, what inspires you the most? Shani: I am inspired by opportunity and potential. UBAWA: Who is your biggest influence? Shani: I have so many, it is hard to name one. UBAWA: Have you ever done something in the past you regret? How did you get through it? Shani: Yes definitely. Who hasn't? At first, I did not think that I would get through it, but I took it one day at a time and little by little there was less regret and more of a lesson to learn from. UBAWA: How do you get through the tough times in life when life throws what it throws at you? Shani: I hold strong to Psalm 30:5..."Weeping may stay for the night, but rejoicing comes in the morning." UBAWA: What is one goal you want to accomplish for yourself in 2013? Shani: Finish the sequel to Secrets of a Kept Woman. UBAWA: What do you have planned next? Shani: The Secrets of a Kept Woman Stage Play will be in Washington, DC at the Howard University (Ira Aldridge Theater). UBAWA: How can readers and others in the literary community reach you? Shani: www.nayberrypublications.com ![]() Some of us have that special person we are connected to long before we arrive in this world. Some of us have that special person we are connected to long after everyone else has forgotten them. This story is about such a person, my Dawn. The one I will always miss seeing standing on our porch and waiting for me to come back to Sarajevo, to come back home. Purchase online: http://amzn.com/B00BT8703W ![]() Adriana hadn’t slept in days. Thailand hadn't returned any of her texts or phone calls, and Aaron's status hadn’t changed. Since the day she could hold a paintbrush, Adriana had painted her pain until she couldn't muscle up the strength to stroke any longer. She put her hair in a ponytail and pulled a stool up to a blank canvas. A heart shattered into pieces is what she felt and so she would paint. Short or long, every brush stroke helped her breathe a little easier. A knock at the door startled her, causing her to drop the paint brush onto her pants. "Shit. WHO IS IT?!" she yelled. "Hello, I'm looking for Ms. Adriana Jackson?" the voice on the other end said. "I'm sorry, but the gallery isn't open today, Tuesday through Saturday only." Adriana stated, annoyed by the interruption. "Oh I know. I was hoping to talk to her about creating a painting for a special friend of mine; Aaron." Well shit, now I have to open the door, thought Adriana. "Hi, I'm Adriana." "Yes, I know. I've always wanted to meet you. Your work is well known all over Chicago. It is an honor." "Thank you. Please come in." You're going to regret this. Once I'm done with you, no one will be able to recognize you, the visitor thought. "So how do you know Aaron?" Adriana wanted to know. "I'm a regular at his restaurant. The menu and entertainment are exquisite, can't get enough of the place." "Yea his place is one of the best in all of downtown Chicago. I take it you two are pretty cool?" "Oh yea, we share a passion for art. He never shut up about his all-time favorite painter, Ms. Adriana Jackson. After hearing about his tragic accident, couple of the other regulars and I thought it would be nice to chip in and ask you to create an exclusive piece to hang inside his restaurant." "That is so sweet. Of course I will create a piece on you guys’ behalf. It will be free of charge." "Oh no! You don't have to do that. We are more than willing to pay you for your services, Ms. Jackson." "No, no I insist. What concept did you all come up with?" "Well we all thought that whatever you came up with would be fitting. Your work is known for exuding strength through pain, triumphs over tribulations, persevering through the storm; you know things of that nature. I think you should paint like it’s your very last time. It just might be." "What do you mean by...?” Pain rushed through Adriana's head like a freight train. Dizzy with blood dripping in her eyes, she tried to get up off the floor. "Who...who are you?" "Who am I? When you opened that door, I became the worst decision you've ever made, that's who I am!" She struck Adriana again, causing her to black out. Standing over her, she began to go off into a rant. "You think you can just bat those exotic green eyes, and walk around Chicago like you're the shit! You and Thailand MAKE ME SICK! Always hugging and kissing, taking trips around the world, and smiling in everybody faces." She kicked Adriana before continuing her rant. "You think you are going to reap what I sewed?! I DON'T THINK SO! That's okay, either he's going to give me what I want or I'm getting rid of your ass. LET’S SEE HOW MUCH HE REALLY LOVES YOU!" She tossed the wrench she used to hit Adriana with across the room, and then she began dragging her towards the back door. She put Adriana in the trunk of her car and went back to clean up the few specs of blood that spilled. You better hope he complies with my demand or else you will never paint again, she thought. She drove to a remote area an hour outside of Chicago and parked on the side of an abandoned house. As she was tying Adriana's wrist behind her back, she began to awake. "Where... Am... I?" Adriana was disoriented. "You wouldn't know if I told you." "Why am I here? Why are you doing this?" "You ask a lot of questions. Do you always talk this much?" Tightening the knot on the rope, she continued… "Do you love Thailand?" "Yes." answered Adriana. "You think he loves you?" "Yes." "Really? Well we shall see." "What do you want from me?" "It's not you that I want something from. It’s him. He owes me, and it's time to pay up." "How much? I'll pay you. Just tell me how much and it's yours." Laughing she smacked Adriana across her naïve face. "Like I said! He owes me, not you!" She force fed Adriana some pills and poured water down her throat. "Bottoms up bitch." "What the hell did you just give me?" "Just a little something to keep you calm and relaxed, now I'll be back to check on you later, don't bother screaming. No one will hear you." Adriana watched her abductor leave the barn. Minutes later she heard a car start and then drive away. "Oh my God Thailand, what have you gotten us into?" Before driving off she took out a sheet of paper and an envelope. She wrote twelve words, put the note in the envelope, and sealed it with a kiss. "How deep is your love Thailand? We are about to find out." She sped off smiling at the fact that what she's waited on for so long will be hers sooner than later. She parked a few house down from his. "I can't wait to see the look on his face when he reads this." She said to herself. Carefully, but swiftly she placed the letter on his front porch and rang the doorbell. Thailand looked out the window to see no one outside. He opened the door thinking that maybe some bad ass kids were trying to ruffle his feathers for fun. He spotted the envelope and picked it up. "Another one?" he said aloud. The contents of the note made him do a double take as his heart instantaneously dropped. "If you ever wanna see her again, you'll give me what’s mine." "Oh my God…Adriana." Thailand looked around one last time but didn't see anyone. He went inside and immediately called Ethan. "Yo E, I got another one." ![]() Rattled, Faye sat in her car trying not to cry. She declined Richard’s offer of conversation over a cup of coffee. He watched from his Mercedes waiting for her to pull off, when she didn’t, he drove his car to the empty spot near hers. He said a prayer hoping she hadn’t given up on a situation that was getting more difficult than it may have been worth. He tapped on the driver’s window causing her to look out at him with her now puffy eyes. She let down the window and tried to smile. “I told you, you were a stalker,” she said laughing through her tears. “I only stalk pretty women who spend most of their time crying, open the door.” Faye obeyed mentally fatigued and too tried to think of an excuse not to. “Richard, are you a God send, or a tormentor? You’re a constant reminder of what my sister thought was another failure. I don’t know that she’d be happy that you’re so persistent.” “I haven’t asked her for anything. Nor do I expect her to understand any of my motives. I am doing this for selfish reasons. I need a secretary, and I need to be able to live at peace knowing I didn’t push her over the edge. Everything that has happened since then is connected to the fact that I didn’t tell her she was being considered for the job. Something that simple could have stopped her from thinking of herself as a failure.” “I can’t say that you are wrong, but I know nothing about this is simple. It's not easy for someone to want to take their own life and leave those that love them behind. I don’t think that’s an easy task. So I think it’s deeper than the interview or whatever you said or didn’t say.” Richard knew she had a valid point, but he was determined to understand Janet Robinson. Faye’s phone rang, and she searched her purse looking to answer it before the music stopped. She let the voice mail pick up when she saw it was Marcus trying to contact her. She listened to the message and rolled her eyes. She closed the flip top on the phone and looked at Richard. “Richard, do you mind returning to the hospital with me? I don’t want you to be in the middle of this, but my brother-n-law can make this ugly for Janet. I lead him to believe that you might, well I let him believe that the two of you ….” “Where is he? “On his way here, I need to call home. Can you stay around for another thirty minutes?” Richard smiled, “Anything to stalk you and your sister again.” “You know; you're entirely different than your appearance projects you to be.” “Good, then your brother-n-law won’t be the wiser.” Richard knocked on Janet’s door and waited for her to answer. He agreed with Faye; it would look believable if he was already visiting when Marcus arrived. He hoped Janet would understand their attempt at keeping Marcus in the dark about the real reason Richard had befriended Janet and Faye. He knocked a little louder and opened the door, so he could see if Janet was sleeping. “Yes.” “Janet? It’s Richard Burnett, are you up for company?” He didn’t know how long it would take Marcus to arrive, but the time was limited for small chat. He had what he thought was a short time to explain the plans, he and Faye discussed. Faye went home and left it up to Richard to deal with Marcus, the jealous, cheating husband. Janet grabbed her robe glad Faye brought her new one from home. She remembered Richard’s voice fading on the phone, although she couldn’t understand his message. Her memory of the interview was a lot more vivid. Richard Burnett, the man with the hypnotizing eyes came to visit her. Maybe Faye was right she still had a job waiting and a boss who had more than an employer’s interest in her. She smiled as he reached to help her adjust the sleeve of her robe. “I guess your thoughts about me have changed. First, I give you my story of misery and pain and then this. Did you come here to have me fill out my mental release papers?” Richard flashed the smile of a man who liked what he saw but wouldn’t touch until given permission. Janet was attracted to his subtle personality, but she remembered her judgment of men wasn’t the best. After all she thought she would be celebrating her anniversaries with Marcus for years to come. “I’m here to make sure you know you’re okay. Do you remember my message I left on the phone?” Janet hung her head too embarrassed to want to return to what memory she had of that day. The shame would only bring her tears, and she had cried enough over the past few days. “No, no much of it.” “It doesn’t matter. I do have papers for you to sign. But more importantly I need to know what your intentions are. Are you still seeking the job and will you accept the help from Faye, Dr. Norris, and me? Your sister said she talked to you this afternoon. I was with her but decided to leave the two of you alone; I’m back for your answer. Maybe if you answer me Faye will stop thinking I’m just a stalker.” Richard and Janet laughed and talked as though they had known each other for more than five days. Their conversation included discussing the care of the children once she could return to work to what her likes and dislikes were in family recipes. Richard almost forgot about the plans to keep Marcus at bay until Janet mentioned her children by name. “Marcus Jr., hmm strong name and the only male, does he talk about missing his father?” “Not as much as the girls do, but they’re younger. He has his activities and friends. Their father has lied so much to them that I believe M.J. ignores him totally, another issue.” “And do you miss Marcus, your husband?” “What is that your question, or your friend, the doctor?” “No, it’s mine. Faye told me Marcus was on his way here, and I want to make sure my presence is not standing in the way of your relationship. I want us to be friends Janet. I don’t want to cause any problems for you or pretend not to be concerned when I am. Maybe I’ll explain it better at another time.” “No, explain it to us now Mr. Burnett.” Marcus didn’t bother to knock on the partially closed door. He heard only the last two sentences. “Marcus, this is Richard…..." “We met. Again, I ask; why are you here?” Richard pulled out his card. “Janet I don’t know if you have the office phone number with you.” He was surprised when Janet read between the lines and answered with what one would expect if she and Richard had an intimate relationship brewing. “I think Faye has my cell. All your numbers are in it. If you speak to her again tonight can you tell her to give it to you to drop off here when you visit tomorrow? She said she’d be with the kids and my mother most of the day.” Marcus sat in the seat that Richard left open. Although he was standing when Marcus walked in the room, he imagined Richard had a spot on Janet’s bed. He watched the conversation between his wife and this man he didn’t trust hoping he didn’t have to ask him out of the room. “No problem, anything else. I’ll go by the apartment in the morning do you need anything?” Janet was slow on her response and a little confused. She was pleased to play the game that Marcus and Karyn played with her early in their relationship. She smiled trying to remember how Karyn did while saying, “We’re just friends." She wanted to laugh in spite of herself. Karyn would pretend she didn’t understand Janet’s anger. Marcus would learn a lesson, and Richard would be the teacher. “Look in that overnight bag, no hand it to me let me check. You wouldn’t know what I was talking about.” Richard handed her the bag while Marcus held his tongue. Richard knew the awkward position would elevate her husband’s anger. “I’m sorry man. I’ll be out in a minute, soon as the little lady sends me on my way.” “How ‘bout we cut the shit. I’m sending you on your way. This is still my wife, and I call the fucking shots.” Richard stepped toward the bed with his back deliberately facing Marcus. “What else did you need?” He continued to move around the bed closer to where Marcus was now standing. “You’re not leaving are you? You just got here.” Janet had reservations about being alone with Marcus. “I’m gonna step out and give the two of you time to talk. Its six now. How about seven?” Richard faced Marcus for a nod of approval. When he didn’t get anything but a bitter glare, he turned again and winked at Janet. “I’ll be back sweetie.” He leaned and kissed her on her forehead. When he turned to step away from the bed, Marcus swung only to get his chin checked by Richard’s right fist. Marcus staggered toward him as Janet screamed. “Marcus, what the hell is wrong with you?” Richard sat a slumped Marcus in his seat. “I’ll be back.” ![]() Born in the suburbs of Williamsburg Virginia, KT Roane knew at an early age she wanted a career in writing. Entering writing competitions in grade school, writing plays for her church, and writing articles for local magazines KT always created opportunities that would allow her to showcase her writing talent. With her debut novel, Vows of Deceit laying the foundation for her writing career KT is ready to take the literary world by storm. About her book, “Vows of Deceit”
Tony, a successful construction business owner, and Nia, a struggling real estate agent, have been married two years. Prior to their marriage Tony cheated on Nia several times, but promised Nia once they got married things would change. Nia wants to believe Tony, but isn't so convinced especially when she finds some unexplained charges on Tony's bank statement. With a successful construction business, and several life insurance policies Nia is starting to think Tony is better to her dead than alive, so she enlists the help of a friend to carry out her plan. Nia quickly learns that things aren't what they seem with Tony as well as with her friend so she decides to back out of her plan, but is it too late? Someone is out to get Nia and make her pay but who and at what cost? UBAWA: When did you first decide you wanted to become an author? KT: Since I was in grade school I knew I wanted to pursue a career in writing. UBAWA: How did you decide on the idea for your 1st book? 2nd book? 3rd book, etc? KT: I have a very vivid imagination not to mention I put a twist on a few true life events to come up with my debut novel Vows of Deceit. UBAWA: How long did it take you to complete your first book? What was the process like? KT: It took a year and a half because I was not consistently working on my book. I would write, take a few weeks off, then start writing again. Once I got it in my head that I wanted to complete and publish my novel I started setting short term goals for myself to get my novel to a point where I could present it to a publishing company for consideration. UBAWA: What’s so rewarding about writing books and being an author? KT: The most rewarding part to me is having someone tell me they enjoyed my book and can't wait to read my next one. UBAWA: Was there ever a time you felt like giving up? KT: As a new author when my book first came out I was very unsure of myself and my book. There were several times when I wanted to give up and walk away but I had to block those negative thoughts out of my head and remind myself if I don't believe in my material why should anyone else. UBAWA: There’s more to being an author than writing a book. How do you manage to handle the business side of things? KT: It gets stressful at times but I'm signed with a publishing company that helps alleviate a lot of that stress. UBAWA: Do you have an editor or do you edit your own books? KT: My publishing company provides me with an editor. UBAWA: Who does the cover art for your book(s)? KT: My publishing company provides the cover art for my books. For my debut novel Vows of Deceit Benjamin Moody did the cover art. UBAWA: Do you ever encounter writer’s block? How do you get past it? KT: I used to encounter writer's block when I would try to force an idea but now I just relax and allow my thoughts to flow naturally. I also like to read the newspaper, watch the news, go to the cemetery (yes cemetery) or take a short drive and that really gets my creative juices flowing. UBAWA: How often do you write? KT: I'm ALWAYS writing down different ideas so I don't lose them and I take no less than 3 nights a week to enter those ideas on my laptop and make sense of them. UBAWA: Tell us about your last book signing. KT: My last book signing was a Books and Burgers cookout I had in my hometown of Williamsburg Virginia to promote my book. I went to the park, cooked out on the grill, sold books and it was great having the love and support of all of my family and friends! UBAW: Beside social media, what other methods are you using to get the word out about your book(s)? KT: Local radio and television interviews, networking events, and book signings. UBAWA: As a Woman of Color, what inspires you the most? KT: What inspires me the most is other people telling me what an inspiration I am to them and how I've influenced them to follow their dream. UBAWA: Who is your biggest influence? KT: My biggest influence is my son. UBAWA: Have you ever done something in the past you regret? How did you get through it? KT: I always try to remind myself to never regret anything because it's a learning experience but there are one or two things that I wish I could take back but I just block it out and pretend it never happened. UBAWA: How do you get through the tough times in life when life throws what it throws at you? KT: Prayer and patience in knowing this too shall pass. UBAWA: What is one goal you want to accomplish for yourself in 2013? KT: To complete my follow up novel and have it ready to debut September 2013. UBAWA: What do you have planned next? KT: Writing, writing, and more writing. I would love for at least one of my books to be turned into a movie to be featured on Lifetime. UBAWA: How can readers and others in the literary community reach you? KT: Facebook: Author KT Roane Instagram: KT_Roane Twitter: KT_Roane I also have a website www.authorktroane.com ![]() 'Teaching In Elementary Schools: The Real Deal' raises the awareness of the general public as to what teaching entails and paints a picture that points out the flaws of the educational system, giving one retired school teacher’s personal account of the ins and outs of being a public school teacher. Purchase a copy online: http://outskirtspress.com/teachinginelementaryschoolstherealdeal ![]() Goddess Young is devastated when her husband Spliff disappears kidnapped by some crooked cops on a power trip. When she finds out he's dead, she has a hard time picking up the pieces of her life and finds it spiraling out of control. She loses her home and almost her sanity, torn by grief as she wonders how she'll survive without him. She's unable to find a job and found herself in the middle of her friend, Quetta's problems. It looked like the end of the road for her until she received a phone call that gets her out of the heat, for now. A new town brings about a newfound happiness and love that she didn't believe was possible. Goddess tries to keep her head above water but it's nearly impossible with fresh dripping wet blood on her hands. Jealousy, deceit, and betrayal rear their ugly heads throughout this book especially when she realizes that the dead has secrets too. Peek into the book: May 13, 2005- Friday the 13th “Damn, baby. You know them titties looking mighty good bouncing up and down in that tight ass shirt.” Spliff spat out of breath with his heavy Trinidadian accent and reaching out his hand to her. “Nigga, stay focused.” Goddess retorted as she grabbed his hand struggling to hold on to the black duffle bag strapped to her back. Danger lurked around every corner as Spliff and Goddess fled across the street to the trap house on King Street. They ran straight in the door and locked it tight, lucky that the crack heads didn't give a shit about locking their doors for safety. The hot Atlanta climate was so dry that it felt like a sauna in there as the prominent stench of foul ass and blown coke filled the night air. They headed for a back room and could hear the sirens in the distance as they ducked on the side of the window carefully peeking out to gain sight of the peoples. The crack heads loitering in the dark crevices of the room began moaning uncontrollably and yelling obscenities while fidgeting with their tattered garments as if they itched badly. Spliff tried to calm them by waving his hands wildly, whispering angrily hoping that would quiet them. “Shut the fuck up!” But it was no use. They just grew louder and angrier. They didn’t want the fugitives in their domain crowding their space and bringing trouble. Goddess shook her head at Spliff snickering silently covering her smile with her hands. She waved for his attention urging him to leave them alone before tried to retaliate. She then looked slightly out the window checking for any signs of the cops. “I think they’re gone.” She whispered as her back pressed against the wall. Purchase a copy online: http://www.amazon.com/Killing-Me-Softly-ebook/dp/B00AN1JEQC/ref=ntt_at_ep_edition_2_2 |
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