![]() A Detroit native, Kaylynn grew up on the east side of the city and has always had an insatiable passion for writing. She graduated from Detroit Public Schools. Kaylynn began her family early; she was married at the age of 23. She went on to pursue a career as a licensed electrician while balancing a household and three children. She found herself divorced by the age of 28. The economic climate of the city came crashing to a halt forcing her to look at other venues. Kaylynn realized that being a work horse was not what fulfilled her. She chose to show her three sons that it’s never too late to follow your dreams. Kaylynn lives in a suburban area of Metropolitan Detroit. She enjoys reading and spending time with her family and many friends. For anyone that knows Kaylynn it is an honor to be called her friend. Friends and family are synonymous in her world. If ever there was a person that truly believes in unconditional love, she embodies it. Never will she cast a judgmental eye in your direction. Kaylynn is not easily influenced by the ‘norm’ and it comes across on her pages. She challenges the conventional. Kaylynn produces interesting, captivating and stimulating pieces of work, which absorbs the reader down to the last page. Kaylynn has used not only her imagination, but glimpses of the life she’s lived, in order to produce quality, flowing works of art. Living outside the box is something she excels at. She believes that the mind is one of our most wonderful assets here on earth. Kaylynn opens you up to things that will make you think outside the box. Her hope is that through her stimulating roller coaster rides of emotion, your mind will have the proper exercise necessary for continued growth and enlightenment. Kaylynn’s titles include: Catching Dreams - Releases Mid 2013 Recipe of Deception Love with a Vengeance About “Recipe of Deception” Sassy, sexy, savvy Savannah is back to her old self, or is she? She’s the same fun loving, uninhibited, spirited woman but deep down something has changed. Before Savannah was captivated by Casanova she was happy living the single life. Before she became the victim of a stalker, Savannah didn’t care who she conquered. Before she found herself lying comatose, she thought her world was in her control. The things no one knew Savannah ever dreamed of surface when she least expected. She embraces the inevitability of change. Along with her triumphs comes tragedy. Savannah faces circumstances that leave her once again proving her strength. Can she hold on to her sanity in the face of a harsh reality? UBAWA: When did you first decide you wanted to become an author? Kaylynn: I've always loved writing. As far back as middle school I created stories to spin off to my friends. After many years of professing my desire to write, I finally put words to a screen. At the end of 2010 in reflecting on life and what I needed to fulfill in it, I declared I would do some dream catching. UBAWA: How did you decide on the idea for your 1st book? 2nd book? 3rd book, etc? Kaylynn: There wasn't ever a decision made for an idea on either of my first two novels. The story developed on its own. All I did was give it life. Catching Dreams (After the Vengeance), my third novel is a sequel. It picks up where Love with a Vengeance left off. UBAWA: How long did it take you to complete your first book? What was the process like? Kaylynn: In all honesty, Love with a Vengeance only took about two weeks to write. I'd been holding it back for so long when I finally committed to let it free, it just poured out. That's not to say it was ready for print. I read, reread, changed, reread, added, subtracted and reread it again and again. Of course, I knew it was good but I let a friend or two read it for reassurance. UBAWA: What’s so rewarding about writing books and being an author? Kaylynn: Seeing something I created in print is a reward in itself. But being able to touch so many people with my words is exciting. My biggest reward comes from the many readers anticipating my next novel. Knowing that they love my writing as much, if not more than I do is exhilarating. UBAWA: Was there ever a time you felt like giving up? Kaylynn: Life happens right? We have family, careers, home, school; life that just holds us back from doing things we really desire. I almost gave up before I started. Love with a Vengeance was complete sitting as a file on a computer for four years before I decided to publish it. UBAWA: There’s more to being an author than writing a book. How do you manage to handle the business side of things? Kaylynn: I'm blessed to have wonderful people around me to assist me in all the things I do. But I tackle one thing at a time. Not to say my mind is not always on every aspect of creating a finished product. My focus is on completing the book first then I turn my attention to the design of a cover. After which I decide on release, appearances, etc. This is where I rely on my awesome publicist, Ebony Evans who is also a childhood friend and great supporter. UBAWA: Do you have an editor or do you edit your own books? Kaylynn: I don't have AN editor, I have several. My life is infused with wonderful woman who not only support but encourage me. The lovely ladies of EyeCU Reading and Social Network are my editor, proofreaders, focus group and cheerleaders. Being avid readers I rely on their insight and opinions. UBAWA: Who does the cover art for your book(s)? Kaylynn: I have yet to use the same person twice. Love with a Vengeance - Wayne Grace Recipe of Deception - NaTashua Sanders Catching Dreams - Lynn Lewis UBAWA: Do you ever encounter writer’s block? How do you get past it? Kaylynn: I think at some point everyone will struggle with where the story wants to go. Usually, when I have this problem I reread what I've written and often by the time I get to the end of that there are new ideas as to what should be going on next. Sometimes the focus just needs to be changed. I've had instances where I was stuck in one story then switched my mind to another story and the work just flowed. UBAWA: How often do you write? Kaylynn: I don't have a set schedule on writing. Some days I write all day, some I may write a sentence and some not at all. I've tried to sit and force myself to write and often nothing happens. For me it's really random. There are days when my inner author just goes on vacation and some days when I have to tell her to go sit down somewhere because I have other things I need to do. UBAWA: Tell us about your last book signing. Kaylynn: My last book signing was in a small town in South Carolina at a beauty salon. I was there a few hours, though I didn't sell many copies it was a success in my mind. For me it’s about reaching out to people that otherwise wouldn't have known I existed. UBAWA: Beside social media, what other methods are you using to get the word out about your book(s)? Kaylynn: Facebook is my life. However, printed ads, internet radio interviews, flyers, posters, attending book conferences and festivals are other methods I have used to promote my books. UBAWA: As a Woman of Color, what inspires you the most? Kaylynn: There are many things I derive my inspiration from. Lifelong friends that have encouraged me, supported me, and hoped for my success not only inspire but humble me as well. Being a woman and of color were once condemnations, the fact that those things no longer prohibit anyone is the most inspiring. UBAWA: Who is your biggest influence? Kaylynn: I had the luck of growing up with a woman who was independent, confident and strong. She showed me that life is something to take head of. My grandmother, Lillian Hunt was and will always be the biggest influence of my life. UBAWA: Have you ever done something in the past you regret? How did you get through it? Kaylynn: One event or action does not define a person as a whole. Decisions and choices are made daily, whether right or wrong is not the question. There are lessons in every mistake we make. It is up to us to learn from them and not repeat the same mishap. UBAWA: How do you get through the tough times in life when life throws what it throws at you? Kaylynn: When life gets hard, I pray. We're all human; my tough times are no different than anyone else's. When the tough shows up, you just keep on going. The good comes with the bad and I try to focus on the positive. UBAWA: What is one goal you want to accomplish for yourself in 2013? Kaylynn: This year will be a year of more self-promotion and marketing in hopes of more global exposure. My third book, Catching Dreams (After the Vengeance) will be released and I hope to begin my E-book series. UBAWA: What do you have planned next? Kaylynn: My plan is to release an eBook series of short stories entitled, Jessie's Obsessions. UBAWA: How can readers and others in the literary community reach you? Kaylynn: Facebook.com/KaylynnHunt and KaylynnHunt.com
2/5/2013 12:23:38 am
Love your books
Baby Girl
2/5/2013 03:32:24 am
Incredible author! Love your books sweetie. When's the next one coming? ;)
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