G B Lynch is a 70's baby that grew up with supportive and encouraging parents and 3 older brothers. A variety of interests led to a discovery of untapped talents. A love of reading morphed into a passion for writing. So, she began to pen a collection of poetry. Poetry became her escape when she was an adolescent. She wrote about her surroundings as well as young relationships. Those writings became the foundation for the author she is today.
Other talents revealed themselves along the way. This created a path to acting in stage plays, singing in talent shows, ballet dance recitals, performing in a school marching band and learning to do arts and crafts. With different forms of creativity, she was almost bursting at the seams. Never a dull moment! For 34 years G has been married to her soul mate. They have been on a wonderful journey of love and laughter. They love to travel and form memories as they go. With the highs and lows of life, their bond grows stronger. They have a beautiful family including a daughter, son-n-law and a granddaughter. G's published books- the bestseller ‘We Are Still Supposed To Be Slaves: The chronicles of being Black in America’ will be a multi-book series. It seeks to rehydrate the historical drought in America. The cookbook ‘Soul Food’s Road To Culinary Decadence’ shares the often unknown history behind some favorite recipes. Lastly, she is a co-author of the #1 bestseller book ‘The Blueprint: Making Boss Moves’ which gives an amazing collaborative insight from 11 women on what it takes to be a Girl Boss. Look for G on Social Media platforms to stay current on book releases, podcast episodes, speaking engagements and book signings. About her book It is my goal to try to change the world one heart and one mind at a time by publishing written and verbal content that matters. My current published works reveal hidden Black History as well as advice to women in business. I am trying to provide a path to the direct connection from our ancestors’ past to our present. I consider Black History to be everyone’s American History. It is my belief that this history should be shared will all Americans. We all should know or want to know the past to prevent unwanted repeats in the present and the future. I have a passion for history and people. The need in this country to provide assistance to the ‘have nots’ is at an extremely high level. I am looking to be part of the solution. I want to help those that struggle with day-to-day life. My vision of opening a campus that provides varying services for people in need will happen one day. My vision has a property that would include private rooms, a cafeteria for meals, employment, interview and job attire assistance, with medical and mental health services. Sometimes people just need a little help to get back to their normal lives. In addition to my published books thus far, I also write Horror, Drama, and Comedy. I have a variety of interests and try to diversify my writings. I plan to reveal some of those other works in the future. I want to create a collection that can be enjoyed by all. I believe that most of us are not one dimensional. We have a variety of interests and tastes. All of that will be revealed as I continue to evolve as a writer and build my platform. With all of my writer stuff going on, I’m also a self-proclaimed foodie. I love food. I love cooking for other people and watching them enjoy their food. I find treasure in the interactions shared with people during a meal. Often the purest form of a person appears when around the kitchen. I feel there’s no better way to show your love than to cook for someone. Cooking and eating provides the opportunity for connecting and bonding. It also nourishes the soul. Many people didn’t know that as a young girl I had crippling stage fright. My mother taught me that the power was within me to do whatever I want to do in this world. She said that power sits dormant until I decide to unleash it. My stage fright was a huge problem since I was involved in the performing arts. I was always involved in stage plays, solo singing performances, dance recitals, marching school bands, and school chorus. All of that performing in front of audiences still didn’t fix my stage fright. Mom instilled in me that I was stronger and more fierce than my fear. My fear didn’t disappear overnight but the show had to go on. Her words allowed me to move forward with the things that I loved to do then as well as today. My mother also gave me the greatest piece of advice that I have ever received. She told me “People are gonna talk about you whether it’s something bad or something good. Try to make it something good but that is not always within your control. Doing good is in the eye of the beholder.” Those words have always helped me. When dealing with the many negatives of the world, her words keep me grounded. With today’s Social Media, people can be cruel at times. It’s very easy to get caught up with the negatives. I don’t allow myself to go to that place. Mom was the most inspiring person that I have ever known. Without question. She spewed words of wisdom on the regular. I did not always understand that some of our conversations were not for that time but for me to use in the future. My Mother passed away when I was 22 years old. It is truly amazing the amount of life’s lessons that I learned from her in those 22 years. Looking to 2023, I have interviews, book signings, speaking engagements and a new book to be released. I will continue the efforts to build my brand ‘G B Lynch’. I am working diligently to create name recognition. People, small companies and large corporations work hard and invest financially to create brand recognition. It’s an amazing thing when your brand is known globally. That is my goal. I am my brand. The efforts of today create the foundation of tomorrow. Look for gblynch_author on the various Social Media platforms. These outlets will provide the most up to date information on new book releases, book signings, speaking engagements, etc. Also, check out the podcast ‘G B Lynch Author’ wherever you listen to podcasts. https://gblynchauthor.wixsite.com/gblynchauthor
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