Cheryl Lacey Donovan is a multi-talented lecturer, educator, motivational speaker and author. She is a woman of integrity with a keen level of wisdom and humor that is nothing short of refreshing. An award winning bestselling author and biblical life coach, Cheryl has influenced the lives of thousands in the U.S. and abroad through her powerful life changing messages. Desiring to see the women efficiently armed with the knowledge, Cheryl’s passion is assisting others, especially women, in discovering their authentic purpose and destiny. Cheryl's gift of pulling out the very best in those she mentors and pushing them beyond their comfort zone through the word of God has led to her being called a "faith-walker” – calling those things that be not as though they were, she moves in grace and favor. Cheryl is married to her husband, Keith Donovan, of 19 years and she is the proud mother of 3 adult children and duchess (grandmother) of three handsome young boys. Her titles include: Women What the Hell are You Thinking Now Do You Still Do What Happens Happily Ever After The Ministry Of Motherhood Women What the Hell are You Thinking About “Women, What the Hell are You Thinking Now” You are pregnant with purpose, pregnant with greatness. Allow the baby to be born. Don’t permit the enemy to abort the baby. God has deposited something great on the inside of you and it’s time for your delivery! Let the weak say I’m strong and the poor say I’m rich; Rich with the power of the Spirit, Rich with the Word of God, Rich with health, Rich with strength and courage. Take authority over the enemy and declare dominion over everything God has for you. Reclaim your purpose, reclaim your hopes, reclaim your destiny, and reclaim your dreams! God has a big life for you, one that has peace, joy, and wholeness. His plan includes love and value, purpose and fulfillment, provision and supply. Whatever has caused you to be broken, the areas in your life that aren’t working or are ineffective, the areas where you feel powerless, doing nothing and going nowhere, God wants to put them back together again! But you can’t get to the upper level when you’re stuck on the ground floor. This book will speak to the inner recesses of your soul and cause you to really look at yourself in a way that perhaps you’ve never done before. This introspection will cause you to stand up and take notice of the woman that God has called you to be and to never again allow Satan to trick you into the behaviors of the past. Even if you aren’t where you want to be right now don’t despair. God isn’t through with you yet. You are a unique woman with a unique plan designed by God just for you. Women, What in Hell are you Thinking uses life lessons and biblical principles that will inspire you to walk in the life God has ordained for you. “I pray that this book will help you to become whole in your mind, your body, and your spirit” –Cheryl Donovan UBAWA: When did you first decide you wanted to become an author? Cheryl: Wow, that was about seven years ago now. It seems more like yesterday. I had been writing for some time - journaling to be more specific. I really didn't have aspirations on becoming an author but that inner voice kept compelling me to tell my story and share my experiences and insight. UBAWA: How did you decide on the idea for your 1st book? 2nd book? 3rd book, etc? Cheryl: All my books are reflections of personal experiences and encounters with others. UBAWA: How long did it take you to complete your first book? What was the process like? Cheryl: My first book came tumbling out rather quickly. It took about six months because it was really a personal testimony. It was very cathartic because many of the issues revealed in the book I had never spoken of out loud. My voice was being heard and it felt great! UBAWA: What’s so rewarding about writing books and being an author? Cheryl: Being able to relay a message of hope and inspiration is the most rewarding for me. It blesses me tremendously when someone says they were helped by something they read in one of my books. Most people see your glory but they don't really know your story. I'm glad to share my valley to mountain top experiences in hopes of helping someone else see the light at the end of the tunnel. UBAWA: Was there ever a time you felt like giving up? Cheryl: Surely! Many times obstacles and roadblocks pop up to deter me from what I know I am supposed to do. It's at those moments I rely on my faith, fortitude, and tenacity to get me through. It's not easy but getting to the other side sure is sweet. UBAWA: There’s more to being an author than writing a book. How do you manage to handle the business side of things? Cheryl: That was probably the first major lesson I learned. While many would believe getting the words on paper would be difficult, that's usually the east part compared to getting books in the hands of your readers. Research and development are integral in the grand scheme of things. You must have a marketing and promotions plan in place. It doesn't have to cost a lot of money but it does require a lot of time. UBAWA: Do you have an editor or do you edit your own books? Cheryl: Editing it the one thing you MUST invest in. No one wants to read a book full of errors. That doesn't mean that occasionally one doesn't get by but when the book is riddled with them the reader finds it hard to keep up and it lessens your accountability as a writer. UBAWA: Who does the cover art for your book(s)? Cheryl: My publisher does all the cover art for my books. UBAWA: Do you ever encounter writer’s block? How do you get past it? Cheryl: I have on occasion experienced writers block. In those instances I step away from the pen and paper and find other ways to relax my mind. UBAWA: How often do you write? Cheryl: I write regularly. If not daily, every other day. UBAWA: Tell us about your last book signing. Cheryl: My last book signing went really well. I do find however that incorporating a presentation of some sort with the signing helps to sell more books. UBAWA: Beside social media, what other methods are you using to get the word out about your book(s)? Cheryl: I travel quite a bit doing speaking engagements. I send postcards to readers who have purchased my other books. I also write articles and do seminars and workshops on my books topics. UBAWA: As a Woman of Color, what inspires you the most? Cheryl: I'd have to say the Word of God. I know it may sound cliché but many times scripture is all I have to keep going. Reciting and meditating on affirmations and promises from the Word help me to stay focused and on point. UBAWA: Who is your biggest influence? Cheryl: My biggest influence is my husband. He is my biggest cheerleader. He travels with me when he can and he always encourages me to do what I was called to do. UBAWA: Have you ever done something in the past you regret? How did you get through it? Cheryl: I think we all have. But it's those things that allow me to write the books I write. Without those testimonies of faith and triumph I don't know that I would have anything to say. Through those trials I learned how to persevere, how to face adversity with courage, and just how strong I really am. And now I can tell others how to walk in favor and expectancy. UBAWA: How do you get through the tough times in life when life throws what it throws at you? Cheryl: I've been called the faith walker by some and I do believe that my faith has been a key factor in my making it this far. At no time did I ever consider I was permanently down for the count. If one door closed I made it a point to look for the next open door. Prayer, meditation on the Word, encouragement from the triumphs in my journey, all these things help me get through the tough times. UBAWA: What is one goal you want to accomplish for yourself in 2013? Cheryl: My goal for this year is to continue reaching out to those in need of a word of encouragement, inspiration, and hope. UBAWA: What do you have planned next? Cheryl: We are launching the first full season of Wisdom for Everyday Life, an inspirational talk show airing in Houston and surrounding areas. We are looking into having it aired on additional networks as well. In addition to the television broadcast I will continue to travel and speak on topics aimed at helping people, particularly women discover their purpose. My mentoring/coaching activity has picked up in the last year so I look to do more of that as well as monthly empowerment calls and seminars. UBAWA: How can readers and others in the literary community reach you? Cheryl: If you "Google" me I'm there. I also have a facebook page:,donovan. I am on Twitter at:, and my website is I can be emailed at [email protected]. To book me for events my booking agent Carolyn Hall can be contacted at 203 565 6170.
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