![]() 3 things about Juan you may not know. 1. He was born with a condition known as Cerebral Palsy, which has left him wheelchair bound for the rest of his life. 2. He has a degree in Psychology. 3. He has had trouble reading until the age of eleven. UBAWA: What's your favorite color? and why? Juan: Nowadays, because of Alice Walker, my favorite color is purple. I say this because to me purple is the color that represents the beauty of a soul after it has been through so many difficult trials in life. UBAWA: What's the last country you visited? Tell us about your visit. Juan: Well, I haven't really been outside of the US much. However, I've been to Puerto Rico, which is a commonwealth of the US. While visiting there, I learned a lot about my ancestry of Taino Indian along with my African roots UBAWA: If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live? Juan: Puerto Rico UBAWA: If you had to choose between owning a nice car or a nice house, which one would you choose? Juan: I would choose to own a nice house. UBAWA: If you could create your dream job/career, what would it be? Juan: My dream job would be writer/actor/director. UBAWA: Most people say success is a matter of luck; what do you think? Juan: I feel that is a matter of having faith in God, hard work, passion and drive. UBAWA: Tell us a little about how you became an author. Juan: As a little boy, I always liked to observe the people around me and try to figure out what they were thinking. I would often pose these sort of questions to myself: Who or what do they love? Are they happy with their lives as they're currently living it? Are they happy or depressed about something? I would take those questions and form a story about that person in my head. When I started to read and write at age eleven, however, I began to type those stories up and here I am today. UBAWA: Many self-published authors face some sort of challenge when publishing their first book. What was your biggest challenge? Juan: Advertising was the biggest issue for me. It was way too expensive at the time. UBAWA: If you had to choose one category, where would writing fall for you: a hobby, a passion, a career, or a gift? Explain Juan: It would fall under the category of PASSION. I say this because to me writing is the expression of the human soul. That act in and of itself generates passion. UBAWA: Some things are not for everybody. Do you think writing could apply to this statement? Juan: Yes, however, if a person is determined, he or she can polish up their writing by taking college courses or signing up for workshops. UBAWA: Do you use an outline before you write or do you just write? Juan: I just write. UBAWA: Many authors prefer complete silence when they're in the writing lab, how do you like to set your atmosphere? Juan: I love turning on my Ipod and listening to Frank Ocean and 90s rap when I write. UBAWA: What makes your writing style different and unique? Juan: What makes my writing style unique is that I use poetic prose in my stories. UBAWA: Do you think it's helpful to invest money into taking writing classes and workshops or are you a self-taught writer? Juan: Yes, I feel that it's helpful to invest in a workshop to sharpen up ones writing skills. UBAWA: Before you begin to write, is there some special ritual you adhere to or do you just write? Juan: I just write UBAWA: Have you ever looked at something you wrote and asked yourself, "Did I write that?!" Please do tell. : ) Juan: LOL That happens to me all the time, especially when I write sex scenes! A day after writing the scene I read it over and blush, and if it excites me I know it's a good piece of writing. UBAWA: What's your opinion on the state of Urban Fiction? Is it an accurate depiction of real life or a bad influence on the people who read it? Juan: both UBAWA: Nowadays, it seems that every time you turn around, someone else has a new book out. Do you think the industry should be more stringent as to who can write and publish a book or is it fine the way it is? Juan: Leave it the way it is UBAWA: If you could give advice to an aspiring author, what would it be? Juan: To never give up and never be afraid to bear your soul in your writing; you might inspire someone. UBAWA: Before you leave, tell us one thing that you would like to be remembered by. Juan: My struggle to help educate people about the physically disabled through my writing. About his book, “TEARS OF WAR”
Juan Diaz takes readers on a journey to the darkest realms of the human condition through the art of short fiction. Cracked Utopia, the first tale in this book, introduces readers to Johnny Rivera, a physically disabled teen who falls in love with his able bodied best friend, Zully. The Death of My Humanity, the second story found in this book, gives reader the opportunity to journey into the mind of a convicted killer as he writes his final letter on the eve of his execution. Ana's Little Brother, the final tale of the book, depicts a young woman trying to find answers as to why her brother committed suicide. Purchase his book online: http://www.amazon.com/Tears-War-Juan-Diaz/dp/0615673554/ref=sr_1_1_bnp_1_pap?ie=UTF8&qid=1366843565&sr=8-1&keywords=tears+of+war+juan+diaz
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